洞察力 2023年5月19日


健康 and Safety Executive (HSE) defines lone workers as “those who work by themselves without close or direct supervision.” We typically think of roles like out-of-hours security guards, 在工业地区, 以及医疗保健等行业, 哪些地方的卫生工作者可以单独出诊.

However, for some, lone working might be a small, but regular, part of their role. 例如, delivery drivers or paramedics might feel at risk when leaving the safety of their vehicle in unfamiliar settings. Similarly for staff travelling home alone after a late-night shift.

Employers have a responsibility to protect their staff and make sure they feel supported. 如果你的员工属于孤独工作者的范畴, 不管是全职的还是偶尔的, 你采取了什么措施来保证他们的安全?

Here are some things to consider and ideas on supporting your lone workers.


Working alone doesn’t necessarily mean higher risks of violence or incidents, but it does mean that your staff may feel more vulnerable if there’s no obvious support nearby.

一些员工, like shift-workers who may not be in the office during normal working hours, 会在几乎空无一人的大楼里工作到深夜吗. 万一有人擅自进入你的大楼, 或者来自入侵者的攻击, your staff need the systems in place to support them and get help without compromising their safety.

Your staff may feel more vulnerable if there’s no obvious support nearby

独自工作的人不在现场, 就像工程师在孤立的地方工作一样, won’t have colleagues nearby to help if they encounter a threat like an environmental hazard or a medical emergency. They will need to be able to alert colleagues to the problem, 即使他们无能为力, 并迅速获得帮助.


As an employer you must be fully aware of the risks that your lone workers could face and do everything you can to manage them. 这包括采取措施, 给他们工具, 在发生意外时支持他们. 也, working in isolation can have an impact on 心理健康 and wellbeing so it’s important to make sure your lone workers feel supported in this respect.


A thorough risk assessment is important for employees working alone, 不仅仅是工作场所. Your assessment should look at all types of risks that your lone workers could be exposed to, 在他们的情况下, 并应包括他们如何以及何时往返于现场.

健康 & 安全执行局发布了指导方针 关于单独工作可能涉及的风险类型, 涵盖身体健康, 心理健康, 以及高风险环境的问题.


综合施策, 比如监控和个人警报, 以确保孤独工人的安全, 如果需要,可以迅速作出反应. Make sure that your lone workers know the risks to look out for and are trained so that they can confidently deal with new or unusual incidents. At the very least, they should know where to go and who to contact in an emergency.

保持每日工作计划的最新记录, 行程, 键触点, 这样你就知道是谁了, 在哪里, 你的孤独工作者在任何给定的时刻.


Invest in the 科技nology that will give your lone workers peace of mind, while keeping them safe. 例如, 一个倒班工人凌晨3点回家, might feel safer knowing that they can be monitored to their front door, 如果他们选择.

Mitie’s 安全 team uses smart 科技nology and remote monitoring to keep lone workers safe, 代表我们的客户, 并在紧急情况下提供支持. Our remote monitoring and alarm receiving centre alerts customers, 如果收到警报, and will send out a mobile patrol if there’s no response from the lone worker.

Mitie uses smart 科技nology and remote monitoring to keep lone workers safe

Our solutions include smartphone apps and specialised devices like emergency call buttons, 即时警报, 运动或冲击传感器可能会在跌倒时触发. 和, 有gps功能的设备, with multi-network SIM connectivity for areas with poor reception, 独自工作的人无论身在何处都能感到受到保护.


It can be hard to predict where potential issues may arise if your staff don’t flag them, especially if there’s pressure to get the job done and move on to the next one. Make sure that any incidents or concerns are properly reported so you can learn from them and put in actions to prevent reoccurrence. 也, 在你的常规团队会议上, 一对一聊天, encourage feedback on areas of concern to keep a proactive attitude to lone worker protection.


If you’re looking for a lone worker protection system, Mitie is here to help. 我们是…的最大供应商之一 单独工作人员的安全和保护澳博官方网站 在英国. 在我们的支持下, organisations across many sectors are deploying effective lone worker protection systems.

Our lone worker protection services provide the 科技nology and processes that help to create a safe working environment. 我们的澳博官方网站包括单独工作人员风险评估, 通过心跳监视器进行主动保护, 反应性保护包括“寻求帮助”和, 感谢我们的BS 8484孤独工作者标准认证, 如果需要,保证警察的反应.

以我们的技术为主导的解决方案, 你可以确保你所有的工人都是安全的, 每当他们独处的时候.

为了了解我们能如何帮助你的生意, 保持联系 with the team today to discuss your specific priorities and requirements.

